At Home:
Install a
Rain Barrel
Build a
Rain Garden
Landscape with native drought-tolerant
plants that need less water and fertilizer
Avoid the use of fertilizer and
pesticides on lawn on gardens
Only use chemical fertilizers and
pesticides as directed---never pour left over supplies down the
Use non-hazardous cleaning products
and alternative methods to control pests
Control soil erosion with terraces and
vegetated buffers
Compost kitchen and yard waste
At School,
Work, and in the Community:
Install a
Rain Barrel
Build a
Rain Garden
Plant trees, bushes, and other food
sources to encourage wildlife
Plant a garden
Incorporate environmental education
into the curriculum or job training/orientation
Adopt a local stream and become a
Stream Team
Organize staff or volunteers to
implement recycling and proper hazardous waste disposal
Organize a litter clean-up to keep
litter out of the storm drains and stream systems
Participate in Little Blue River
Watershed Coalition Events
Donate to watershed education programs